THE SCHOOL FOR CONTEMPORARY DANCE & THOUGHT (SCDT) provides innovative programming for all ages to activate imaginations and facilitate empowerment, transformation, and development through the movement arts. SCDT connects dance practices, performances, and classes with thoughtful public conversation, encouraging and invigorating community engagement.
THE SCHOOL FOR CONTEMPORARY DANCE & THOUGHT (SCDT) is a performance, research, and education platform for artists of all ages to engage in experimentation and continued learning through dance. The school maintains virtual and physical spaces to connect local, regional, and international artists through programming that emphasizes multiplicity, curiosity, and personal choice.
Central to SCDT's purpose is an abiding respect for the tradition and history of dance while continuing to challenge established concert dance ideals and contribute to the evolution of the field. Through artist talks, performances, classes, and workshops, SCDT engages artists and the public in thoughtful movement practices and experiences. SCDT prioritizes and is committed to programs that support the needs of independent artists at every stage in their careers and their creative processes, from research and development to production. The team at SCDT is comprised of working artists who support creators in their art-making, as well as connect the public, university communities, and local and regional organizations.
SCDT welcomes individuals regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, class, and ability. We believe that diversity creates a world we want to live in, and encourage you, whoever you are, to join us in creating a space for movement, thought, care, and intention.
SCDT is in a collaborative partnership with A.P.E. @ Hawley at the Northampton Arts Trust.
Additional Content:
APE@Hawley is SCDT's sister organization
Institution/Business Type:
Arts Service Organization
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Independent
Year Founded:
Institution/Business Type:
Arts Service Organization
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Independent
Year Founded:
Primary Discipline:
Multi-DisciplinaryAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Geographic Reach:
Accessibility of Services:
SCDT runs programming primarily out of 33 Hawley Street and BOMBYX in Florence, MA. Both spaces are accessible by wheelchair via ramps and elevators.