NACHMO (National Choreography Month) is your yearly kick in the pants to create new work! NACHMO Boston is co-hosted by Alive Dance Collective and Monkeyhouse and strives to grow connections in our dance communities and offer both budding and established choreographers a chance to create and present. Participants take on the challenge of creating a new work during January (National Choreography Month), supported by choreographic prompts, mentoring sessions, and connections to the dance community. Works can be presented during mentoring sessions, informal showings, and formal performances. Whether you create fully fleshed out pieces or simple movement sketches, NACHMO wants to help you start off your year with some dance.
Additional Content:
Interview with dance maker and Regional Director, Brenna Banister
Interview with Brenna Banister
Dance that thinks globally, acts locally: NACHMO Boston 2022
Review of NACHMO Boston 2022 by Kathryn Boland
Interview with dancemaker Libby Bullinger
Interview with NACHMO Boston 2023 Participant Libby Bullinger
Interview with Claire Solene Becka and Carli DiMeo
Interview with NACHMO Boston 2023 Carli DiMeo & Claire Solene Becka
Institution/Business Type:
Fair / Festival
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Embedded in cultural public agency
Parent Organization:
Year Founded:
Institution/Business Type:
Fair / Festival
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Embedded in cultural public agency
Parent Organization:
Year Founded:
Primary Discipline:
Dance - GeneralAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Languages Available:
Geographic Reach:
Accessibility of Services:
Our producers are committed to having conversations about more ways to make our programming inclusive and supportive.
We offer:*Mentors from a diverse range of ages, abilities, styles, sexual orientations, genders and races *conversational application process to acommodate people with cognitive disabilities/language barriers*child care for artists with children during mentoring sessions/dress rehearsals/performances*virtual mentoring sessions to support artists with geographci/health barriersAwards: