Joan Hoffmann oil and watercolor paints en plein air. Her impressionistic landscapes evoke a poetic sense of place. She is intregrally connected to the landscape by painting, teaching and preserving the landscapes that she loves to paint. She lectures on the rich History of American Landscape Painting, National Parks and Public lands. She mentors experienced painters to reach their personal goals.
She exhibits at her Barn Gallery, South Royalton, VT and Cow Canyon Trading Post, Bluff, Utah
She teaches painting, drawing and woodblock printing across the country: Point Reyes Field Institute, High Sierra Field Camp, San Francisco State Field Campus, Artistree in Woodstock, VT and Alliance for Visual Arts(AVA) in Lebanon, New Hampshire.
She hosts painting workshops in Bluff, Utah; Steamboat Springs, Colorado; Petaluma, California and in her South Royalton studio in Vermont.
See her website<www.joanhoffmann.com>
Past Media:
Awards: Artist-in-Residencies Yosemite National Park 2005, Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park 2016, Zion National Park 2019, Crater Lake NP 2022
Additional Content:
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Year Founded:
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Year Founded:
Primary Discipline:
Visual/Crafts - PaintingAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Geographic Reach:
Accessibility of Services:
My Barn Gallery is wheel Chair accessible
Professional Associations:
Professional Associations:
Teaching Settings:
Ages Served:
Subject Areas:
Fee range:
$100Teaching Settings:
Ages Served:
Subject Areas:
Fee range: