"A breath of fresh air. Makes my heart feel good!" EMINENTLY BEAUTIFUL Music by Rahel רחל (formerly "Acoustic Breezes") Hello. Shalom. My name is Rahel (Rah-khel). Welcome to the site. Here you will get to know my talents, skills, education, knowledge... my offerings. I look forward to hearing from you. SINGER-SONGWRITER: A gifted, soulful songwriter, Rahel has a lot to say, and she says it well with a beautiful, diverse, collection of songs that are well-crafted, intelligent and musically sophisticated. There are hints of jazz, Middle East blends, further East mantras with sometimes driving rhythms and sometimes gentle sounds. Sonically refreshing and eminently beautiful, Rahel's music is in a league of its own. Ethnic/World-influenced music, multi-lingual and collaborations with musicians world-wide. Music for all occasions and ages. * Official Website: www.rahelmusic.com * The Healing Light Project (world collaborations): www.thehealinglightproject.weebly.com * Song of the Lark (flute/guitar duo, soothing melodies & fingerstyle guitar): www.songofthelark.weebly.com CERTIFIED CLINICAL MUSICIAN (CCM) / HEALTHCARE ARTIST Rahel is a graduate of the Clinical Musician Certification Program (CMCP) with accreditation by the National Standards Board of Therapeutic Musicians (NSBTM). She studied and received training at the Music for Healing and Transition Program (MHTP) and completed the Hospice Education Program training with Home, Health and Hospice in NH. Rahel has been serving musically at bedside in hospice, eldercare facilities, hospitals and privately since 2004. Her "tools" are the acoustic guitar, soothing vocals and medicinal drumming (where appropriate). Rahel creates a personalized musical environment in which physical and emotional symptoms may be alleviated or released so that healing and/or transition can occur. Please feel free to ask questions, guide her or simply use the opportunity for “time out" to relax, meditate, reflect, close your eyes and rest, or immerse in the joy of music. People of all ages can benefit from music medicine. Animals too! * Official Website: www.musicpractitioner.com * Music for Premature Babies & Parents & NICU: http://www.mgol.net/home/mother-goose-on-the-loose-goslings/songs/ MUSIC PROGRAMS FOR BABIES & YOUNG CHILDREN: Music specialist and Teacher Certification Programs: Music for Babies and Young Children * Listen Like Learn: www.listenlikelearnmusic.com * Your Child Needs Music: www.yourchildneedsmusic.com * MugaLive!: www.mugalive.net GUITARIST / TEACHER: Rahel studied music from a young age starting with piano, recorder, flute and finally mastering the guitar. She teaches guitar to all ages & levels. * www.guitarwithrahel.weebly.com CANTORIAL SOLOIST / JEWISH EDUCATION & WORSHIP: Rahel has assisted a number of rabbis in her role as a Cantorial Soloist. She teaches Hebrew and Jewish studies and can lay-lead a worship service if called upon to do so. Under the guidance of Rabbi Louis Reiser she created a unique meditative and/or worship service (and CD) based on Rebbe Nachman's "Tikkun HaKlali" - the Ten Healing Psalms simply titled "Tikkun". Rahel has written new melodies to popular prayers and blessings. * TIKKUN: http://healingpsalmstikkun.weebly.com/ * NEW LITURGY: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/rahel2 * Hebrew Language Studies: www.hebrew4u.weebly.com www.rahelmusic.com/education_/ "If we can find peace within ourselves, we can make peace throughout the world. Listen to the sounds ....." (Rahel)
Additional Content:
B'Terem Harim Yuladu / Psalm 90 / Before Mountains
Performance with Amavevane Acappella in Johanessburg
Lotsa video clips!
Original dance and music by Rahel "Acoustic Breezes"
Ein Hod Artists Village / Janco-Dada Museum
Collage video of the "Live" art and music concert with Rahel at the Janco-Dada Museum at Ein Hod Artists Village in Israel
Lachash al haYam/Whisper by the Sea
Rahel sings her composition in Hebrew & English in performance in a club in NH
Overview of the Music of Tikkun Rahel - Collage
Institution/Business Type:
Performing Group
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Unincorporated
Institution/Business Type:
Performing Group
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Unincorporated
Primary Discipline:
Music - NewAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Languages Available:
Geographic Reach:
Professional Associations:
Professional Associations:
Teaching Settings:
Ages Served:
Subject Areas:
Certifications and Training:
Fee range:
$200 - $3,600Teaching Settings:
Ages Served:
Subject Areas:
Certifications and Training:
Fee range:
$200 - $3,600Technical Requirements:
Fee Range:
$200 - $5,000State of Residence:
New HampshireMinimum Number of Performers:
1Maximum Number of Performers: