Zig Zag is an arts & literature magazine for & by those who live, labor, or loiter in Addison County, Vermont.
We take our writing & art seriously, but we're less strict about the live, labor, or loiter. Maybe you spent a weekend at one of our B&Bs. Maybe you lived here for a short while. Maybe you've skied the Snow Bowl. Maybe you've lived here all your life. Maybe you just like to sit at the bar of Starry Night Café or Mary's Restaurant. Maybe you live & work in Brandon but often tell folks you're from Middlebury cause it's easier. Or maybe you were overwhelmed by the beauty of Button Bay once years ago. However loose the connection to Addison County, matters not to us. So long as you feel connected.
Originating from the Bixby Writers Bloc after founder A. Jay Dubberly heard-tell of other writing groups in the area, Zig Zag has built a steady audience over the years. They print 100 hand-numbered copies of each issue on the Spring & Fall Equinoxes, each issue features twenty-or-so local (again, "local") artists & writers. Zig Zag also prints limited run hand-numbered author-signed chapbooks, & hosts workshops in-person & online. For more information check out the website (https://www.zigzaglitmag.org/) peruse the online shop (https://www.etsy.com/shop/zigzaglitmag/) follows us on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zigzaglitmag/) or send our editor in chief an email (jay@zigzaglitmag.org).
Institution/Business Type:
Literary Magazine
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Unincorporated
Year Founded:
Institution/Business Type:
Literary Magazine
Legal Status:
Nonprofit - Unincorporated
Year Founded:
Primary Discipline:
Literary Arts - GeneralAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Geographic Reach:
Elisabeth Waller Photography & Design
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Date: 11/2019-11/2019
Elisabeth Waller was our featured artist for Issue.8, our special "portrait issue." After being blown away by her stellar work & professionalism, we are happy to have taken her into our Editing Board.
Little Pressroom & the beautiful people who work there have been our printer since day one!
Teaching Settings:
Ages Served:
Subject Areas:
Certifications and Training:
Fee range:
$500Teaching Settings:
Ages Served:
Subject Areas:
Certifications and Training:
Fee range: