S & L Editing is comprised of two professional editors, Stacey Longo and Rob Smales. Between the two of us, we've provided copyediting, proofreading, and content editing for big publishers like Pearson Education, medium-sized publishers like War Goat Press, and individual authors like G. Elmer Munson, David Daniel, and many, many more. We've even edited Mark Twain.
Both Longo and Smales are published fiction authors themselves. Longo's full-time career is as an editor who writes at night, while Smales edits at night and writes before work and on his lunch breaks. Longo also fundraises for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and has written and published two books aimed at helping start the conversation with kids when a parent is diagnosed with the disease.
S & L Editing works with all levels of writers, from those just finishing their first manuscript to well-established authors. Besides providing superior editing services, we also advise writers who may not know what their next steps are. We can assist self-published authors and small presses with layout and formatting, and even design cover art on occasion.
As writers, we know how challenging the writing life can be. As editors, we want you to have the most professional, engaging, and entertaining manuscript you can. Your success is our success.
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Year Founded:
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Year Founded:
Primary Discipline:
Literary Arts - Non-FictionAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Geographic Reach:
Professional Associations:
Professional Associations: