Gail Rousseau attended the New England School of Photography in Boston, MA, New Hampshire Institute of Art in Manchester NH, Pioneer Computer School of Visual Arts in Hooksett NH , Nikon School at Regis College in Weston, MA and Maine Media College in Rockport, ME. She is currently working as a freelance photographer and has extensive experience as a dark room technician. Her works have been published in the University of New Hampshire’s Cooperative Extension Guide, Preservation Magazine, and Around Concord Magazine.
Rousseau has shown at the Lincoln-Levy Gallery in Portsmouth NH, Manchester Art Associations Art in the Park and Gallery in Manchester NH , New Hampshire Institute of Art’s Juried Biennial Show. She is an Associate Artist at the Brush Gallery in Lowell, MA She received a scholarship to study Digital Fine Printing with George DeWolfe at the Maine Media College and received an Honorable Mention Fellowship in 2012 from The New Hampshire State Council of The Arts
She has self-published 6 color calendar of Peaks Island Maine, from 2000 thru 2006. And has self-published a book of color photographs, “Peaks Island, Maine” which is in the Fogler Library's Special Collections at The University of Maine, Orono.
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Primary Discipline:
Media - DigitalAdditional Disciplines:
Activities and Services:
Populations Engaged:
Geographic Reach: