Bill Botzow
Artist, Pownal, Vermont
Bill Botzow has created work for museums, art centers, galleries, sculpture parks, arboretums, school grounds, parades and town squares as well as rivers, forests, fields, old mills, museums and churches. His artistic disciplines include sculpture, painting, drawing and performance.
Botzow’s work has been shown at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Philadelphia, PA: De Cordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, MA; Fuller Museum, Brockton, MA; Albany International Airport, Albany NY; Albany Center for the Arts, Albany, NY; Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; Williams College Art Museum, Williamstown, MA; Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT; and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. He is a frequent contributor to NBOSS, the annual North Bennington Outdoor Sculpture Show.
Complementing his work as a visual artist, Bill has served as Chair of the Vermont Arts Council and on the boards of River Network, the National Assembly of State Art Agencies, the New England Foundation for the Arts, The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, and Art/Omi. He served as Chair of the National Review Panel for the NASAA / NEA partnership, Art on Millennium Trails and has served on peer review panels for the NEA, the Nebraska, New Hampshire and Vermont Arts Council and many other arts organizations.
Bill also serves as the State Representative for Pownal and Woodford to the Vermont Legislature. He is currently Chair of the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development. He is also a Trustee of the University of Vermont.
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Institution/Business Type:
Artist / Creative (Individual)
Legal Status:
Commercial / For profit - Sole proprietorship
Primary Discipline:
Visual/Crafts - GeneralPopulations Engaged: