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Tech Tip of the Month: "I Have Worked With" Section on Profiles & Search

Posted 5/20/2024

Our creative ecosystem is highly collaborative, interconnected, and interdependent – and it shows in the 18,955 relationships currently listed on CreativeGround profiles! Artists, creatives and organizations of all kinds can showcase these vital connections, as well as see who others are collaborating with, in the “I Have Worked With” section on profiles. Read on for some tips on how to make the most of this section to both find and be found on the site!

Screenshot of section of profile with Teal navigation bar and I Have Worked With highlighted with white text and yellow underline


Next time you are searching the site and browsing profiles, don’t forget to see who they list in their “I Have Worked With” section. If their listed connection also has a profile in CreativeGround, you can click through to read more about that collaborator!

Some examples of why you should give this section a closer look:  

  • As a curator / presenter / programmer of the arts, you might see who has hired, trained, or partnered with an artist
  • As a library or other institution that presents educational/arts programming, you might see where a teaching artist has taught or facilitated  
  • As an artist/creative, you can see the types of collaborations that others in your network are engaged in, and find potential partners

Pro Tip

The keyword search feature also returns results from profiles’ I Have Worked With section. So, if you search for a profile’s name, their profile will appear – but their collaborators listed in that section will also come up in your results, giving you a full picture of the interrelated network of creative people and places!

Be Found

Profile owners – make sure you keep your I Have Worked With section up to date! Not only does a complete I Have Worked With section increase your profile score and visibility in search, but demonstrating the range of work you’ve done and engage in currently can show potential collaborators the type of work you are open to in the future! Here are just a few examples of how different people and organizations can fill out this section:

  • Performing Artists: List any creative collaborators as well as places where you’ve performed/presented
  • Visual Artists: List galleries where you’ve exhibited, or fairs/festivals where you’ve sold your work.  
  • Artists doing Public Art Projects: List community organizations you partner with
  • Literary Artists: List any work with community institutions like libraries and schools  
  • Teaching Artists: list the organizations and institutions where you have taught or facilitated  
  • Cultural Organizations (like presenters, museums, libraries): List partner organizations as well as artists you have hired or presented

Pro Tip

If you are adding a New-England based connection and they are not already listed in CreativeGround, encourage them to create a profile so you can link to theirs in your I Have Worked With section!

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